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Détails de l'entreprise IHS CERA GLOBAL INSIGHT HEROLD

Catégorie : Consultant, expert, conseil

Contact : Holzinger Christine
Adresse : 21 boulevard de la Madeleine
Ville : Paris
Code postal : 75038
Pays : France
Tél. : 0684597186
Site internet :
Email :
Effectif : 3800

Références : A AccuLogs® (Canada)
AccuMap® (Canada)
Asset Screener™ (U.S.)
Alberta Land Surveys (Canada)
AltaLIS 20K Base Culture and Surface Contours Data (Canada)
Analogs: Deep Shelf Production Performance (U.S.)
AssetBank (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
AtlasViewer™ (Canada)

B Basin Data (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Basin Monitors (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Biodiversity Module (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)

C Cartographic Dataset (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Coalbed Methane Reports (U.S.)
Commercial Energy Profile Database - CEPD (U.S.)
Contouring (Canada)
Contracts Dataset (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Core Analysis Data and Image (Canada)
Consulting Services (Worldwide)
Custom Maps (Canada)

D Daily Alert - GEPS (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Data Management Services (Canada)
Data Manager (Canada)
Deep Shelf Production Performance Analogs (U.S.)
Digital Well Log Databank (U.S.)
Directional Surveys Data and Image (Canada)
Drilling Statistics (U.S.)
Drilling Wire on the Web™ (U.S.)

E East Timor Digital Data Package (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
EDIN™ (Africa, CIS, Europe, Middle East, Far East, Latin America)
EDIN-GIS™ (Africa, CIS, Europe, Middle East, Far East, Latin America)
EGIS™ (Canada)
Enerdeq® (Worldwide)
- Enerdeq Browser
- Enerdeq Desktop
- Enerdeq Web Services
Energy News on Demand™ (U.S.)
Enhanced Pipeline Data (Canada)
Environmental Reference Layers (Canada)

FieldDIRECT® (U.S.)
Fields & discoveries data (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Field, Pool and Unit Boundaries Datasets (Canada)
Forecaster™ (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Formation Tops (U.S.)

G Gas Pressure Tests Data and Image (Canada)
Gas Plant and Facility Data (Canada)
Geology data (Canada)
Geopressure Database (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
GeoSyn™ for Geophysical Modeling (Canada)
GeoSyn™ for Geological Modeling (Canada)
Global Exploration & Production Activity - GEPS (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Global Window (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Gulf of Mexico Pressure Database (U.S.)

H HazSearch (U.S.)
Hosting Center (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America, U.S.)

I IHS Asset Screener™ (U.S.)
IHS DST Data and Image (Canada)
IHS Seismic Location Data - formerly mapIt (Canada)
IHS Studies (Worldwide)
IHSLognet (U.S.)
IHS Well Documents (Canada)
Information Hub Direct Connect (Canada)
International Oil Letter (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America, U.S.)
International Exploration & Production Database - IRIS21 (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
International Exploration & Production Database - ADM Module Database (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
International Petrodata (IPL) File (Canada)
Iraqi Atlas (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America, U.S.)

L Land Data (Canada)
Land Grid (U.S.)
Lat/Long (U.S.)
Log Data (Canada)
Log Data (U.S.)
Log Data – Raster Logs Unlimited Subscription (U.S.)
Log Data Management (U.S.)

M Major Industrial Plant Database - MIPD® (U.S.)
mapIt - now IHS Seismic Location Data (Canada)
Midstream Database (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Monthly Production Database (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)

N NAD83 Conversion Services (Canada)
North American Pipeline Guide (U.S.)

O Offset Drilling Data (U.S.)
Open Layers (Canada)
Ortho Photos (Canada)
Ortho Imagery (U.S.)

P PEPS (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
PERFORM® (Worldwide)
Permits (U.S.)
PETRA (Africa, Australasia, Canada, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America, U.S.)
PetraSeis (Africa, Australasia, Canada, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America, U.S.)
Petroleum Frontiers® (U.S.)
Petroleum Information® U.S. Drilling Statistics (U.S.)
Petrophysical Data Processing
Physical Asset Management Services (U.S.)
PID Plus on CD (U.S.)
Pipelines Data (North American Pipeline Guide) (U.S.)
PipeSoft-2® (Worldwide)
PowerTools ® (U.S.)
Producing Systems Group - PSG (Worldwide)
Production Data and Image (Canada)
Production Performance Analogs (U.S.)
Proprietary Seismic (Canada)

Q QUE$TOR™ Suite (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
QUE$TOR LNG (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
QUE$TOR Offshore (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
QUE$TOR Onshore (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
QUE$TOR INPRO (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)

R Rapid Data™ (Canada) - see IHS Well Documents
Regulatory Compliance Management Database (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Rig Activity (U.S.)

S Sales Analyst (Canada)
Seismic Surveys - 3D (U.S.)
Seismic Location Data - formerly mapIt (Canada)
Site Screening Solution (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Spatial Layers (U.S.)
Statistical Services (U.S.)
SubPUMP® (Worldwide)
Subsurface Data Solutions Database (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)

T Technical studies (see IHS Studies) (Worldwide)
Transportation Infrastructure Data (Canada)

U U.K. Well Database
U.S. Data (U.S.)
- U.S. Data Online
- U.S. Production Data
- U.S. Well Data
U.S. Drilling Statistics (U.S.)
U.S. Well Logs (U.S.)
U.S. Federal Offshore Field Guide (U.S.)
U.S. Offshore Lease Database (U.S.)
U.S. Pipeline Data (U.S.)

V Valtus Ortho Photos Image (Canada)

W Well Base & Production Maps (Canada)
Well Holding & Spacing Data (Canada)
Wells Dataset (Africa, Australasia, C.I.S., Middle East, Europe, Far East, Latin America)
Well Documents (Canada)
Workstation ready Log Data (U.S.)
World Geophysical News® (Worldwide)
Worldwide Map Ordering Service (Worldwide)
Worldwide Sedimentary Basin Map (Worldwide)

Description (Fr) : IHS - Exploration&Production , Amont & Aval, Pétrole, GAZ, transport, GNL, Pétrochimie, Normalisation, Reach, Charbon, puits, bassin, reservoir.

IHS est le principal fournisseur global d'information technique critique, d'outils d'aide à la décision et de services relatifs pour l'industrie énergétique.
Nos experts globaux placés stratégiquement autour du monde, élaborent et fournissent des données critiques d'huile et d'industrie du gaz sur des activités d'exploration, de développement, de production et de transport pour se spécialiser les producteurs globaux d'énergie et les compagnies nationales et indépendantes. Nous fournissons également opérationnel stratégique, recherche et services consultatifs à ces clients et aux utilités et le transport, produit pétrochimique, charbon et entreprises d'énergie. Pendant plus de 75 années, IHS et ses compagnies ont fourni des informations décision-critiques complètes aux organismes d'énergie. Nous complétons cette information avec l'analyse économique, politique, fiscale et de normalisation, aussi bien que stratégique, opérationnel, la recherche et les services consultatifs. En intégrant l'information essentielle, le logiciel intuitif et les services analytiques dans le monde entier, nous aidons nos clients à analyser leurs opérations ainsi ils peuvent réduire leurs frais d'exploitation, augmentent la productivité et évaluent effectivement des investissements intéressants. Nos équipes globales d'experts en matière d'industrie surveillent l'activité quotidienne d'exploration et de production dans plus de 180 pays autour du monde. Cette expertise fournit à nos clients l'information technique et économique détaillée sur le pétrole et le gaz produisant des capitaux, des pays et des régions. En conséquence, nos offres de l'information sont augmentées avec des évaluations au courant au sujet de l'opération et des sujets économiques autour du monde

Description (En) : Energy Overview
The energy division of IHS is the leading global provider of critical technical information, decision-support tools and related services for the energy industry. Our global experts placed strategically around the world, develop and deliver critical oil and gas industry data on exploration, development, production and transportation activities to major global energy producers and national and independent oil companies. We also provide strategic operational, research and advisory services to these customers and to utilities and transportation, petrochemical, coal and power companies.

For more than 75 years, IHS and its predecessor companies have provided comprehensive decision-critical information to energy organizations. We complement this information with economic, political, fiscal and regulatory analysis, as well as strategic, operational, research and advisory services. By integrating essential information, intuitive software and analytical services worldwide, we help our customers analyze their operations so they can reduce their operating costs, increase productivity and effectively evaluate investment opportunities.

Our global teams of industry experts monitor daily exploration and production activity in more than 180 countries around the world. This expertise provides our customers with detailed technical and economic information on oil and gas producing assets, countries and regions. As a result, our information offerings are enhanced with informed assessments about operating and economic matters around the world.

Critical Information: comprehensive global exploration, development and production data, industry activity, fiscal, legal, infrastructure, leasehold and reservoir information, and related news, reports and maps. IHS gathers this information from government agencies, energy producers and other industry sources and processes it rigorously by testing its accuracy, cross referencing it against numerous sources, verifying surface and subsurface attributes and standardizing and creating common industry codes.
Energy activity data
Production data
Oil and gas well data
Reservoir data
Basin data
Infrastructure data
Upstream data
Decision-Support Tools: We integrate critical energy information with technology and applications to meet the needs of a range of users across the energy industry. These tools enable our customers to integrate our information and their proprietary information within their workflows and business processes. Our decision-support tools range from easy-to-use “browse and search” applications to sophisticated engineering, cost analysis and economics tools that estimate drilling costs, assess project economics, optimize exploration and production activities and improve production yields. Our primary decision-support tools are described below.

Exploration analysis
Production engineering
Cost analysis
Services: Our strategic, operational, research and advisory services combine our critical information and decision-support tools with our extensive industry expertise to meet the needs of our customers.

Operational Services. We offer our customers access to our expertise in subsurface analysis, engineering, economics, fiscal and regulatory matters and asset optimization through several services, including the following:

Regulatory compliance services. Assisting customers in designing their procedures to achieve and maintain local legal and regulatory compliance. We support customers in more than 70 jurisdictions around the world using on-site specialists and local partners and our integrated fiscal and regulatory databases.
Oil and gas asset optimization and management services. Providing support to exploration and production organizations to improve the efficiency, productivity and long-term profitability of their operations. Using our global cost and economic databases, specialized software tools and operations expertise, we assist customers with asset management activities. These activities range from efficient lifecycle planning and automated monitoring of marginal fields to detailed operational analysis, assessment and identification of efficiencies in individuals asset operations.
New venture assessment services. Assist customers in identifying investments that complement their strategic goals. These services include detailed evaluations of production assets, as well as comprehensive transaction support services, such as due diligence and negotiation support.
Research. Through our research offerings, we provide customers with insight and analysis into pressing challenges facing the energy industry, including:

Managerial matters
Our research helps customers anticipate trends in the industry in order to make informed strategic, investment and market decisions. We syndicate our research through our two well-known and respected IHS brands: CERA, which offers more than 30 syndicated research services focusing on different combinations of segments and regions in the energy industry; John S. Herold, whose research assists energy companies and financial services firms in understanding valuation, performance and corporate strategies of energy companies so they can successfully allocate capital amongst projects, managers and companies.

Recent CERA research offerings include: Global LNG: The New Wave; Petroleum Products Markets to 2020; and Global Scenarios for the Future of the World Oil Industry. Herold benchmarks the performance of 200 global oil and gas companies in its flagship report, the Global Upstream Performance Review, and maintains the only energy sector database of M&A transactions, as well as financial and operational data on public and private companies, and valuations of significant energy assets on the market.

We also develop and organize executive research summits where high-level industry, financial and governmental decision makers interact with our senior research experts and discuss energy industry trends and market dynamics. These events provide a significant opportunity for our experts and customers to exchange knowledge and ideas. We conduct more than 20 events each year, including our premier events, CERAWEEK and the Herold Pacesetters Conference. CERAWEEK is an annual executive conference that has been addressing pressing challenges facing international energy markets and companies for nearly 25 years. By attracting more than 1,600 of the energy industry's leading executives and companies annually, it is widely considered to be the premier meeting of its kind. The Herold annual Pacesetters Conference attracts more than 600 industry executives and institutional investors seeking both perspectives on industry trends and developments, and timely investment themes.

Strategic Advisory Services. We assist customers in assessing their strategic options by providing the critical information and analytical insights required for sound decision making. Our services focus on a range of key issues, such as global oil and gas planning, exploration and production issues, alternative business line assessments, scenario planning and facilitation, market analysis and corporate facilitation. We provide these services through our CERA brand.


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