Détails de l'entreprise MAERSK
Adresse : Esplanaden 50
Ville : Copenhague
Code postal : 1098
Pays : Danemark
Tél. : +45 3363 3363
Fax : +45 3363 4108
Site internet : http://www.maersk.com/
Description (Fr) : Opérateur pétrolier Danois qui produit 500 000 Barils/jour et dont les autres secteurs d’activité couvrent la construction navale, le transport aérien, la distribution…
Description (En) : Today, Maersk Oil is a midsize international oil and gas company operating an oil production of more than 600,000 barrels per day and a sales gas production of up to some 1,000 million cubic feet per day. The company has a net production equity exceeding 550,000 barrels of oil equivalents per day from fields in the Danish and British part of the North Sea, offshore Qatar, in Algeria and in Kazakhstan. Activities are ongoing in the Danish, British, German and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea, Qatar, Algeria, Angola, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Oman, Morocco, Brazil and the US Gulf of Mexico.
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