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4Gas proceeds with development of LNG terminal near Bordeaux, France

4Gas, the global independent LNG terminal developer and operator, today announced to continue the development of the Pegaz LNG Terminal in le Verdon sur Mer, near Bordeaux, France. After comprehensive environmental impact and safety assessments and an intensive, ongoing discussion with local, regional and national stakeholders, 4Gas has concluded that developing an LNG terminal in the South of France has enormous potential. In the coming weeks, 4Gas will finalize and file the necessary permit applications. 4Gas expects to start construction of the Pegaz LNG Terminal in the first half of 2010 and anticipates the terminal to become operational in 2013.

4Gas has participated in the “Débat Public” on the Pegaz LNG Terminal in Le Verdon sur Mer with great interest for the public opinion and has carefully studied the recommendations as presented in the “Compte Rendu” and the “Bilan”.

In its continuous evaluation of its projects 4Gas has included the recommendations made. The consideration of these recommendations has inspired some additional investigations and certain modifications have been incorporated into the project.

Based on a detailed analysis of the LNG and gas market in France, but also on a European and global scale, 4Gas has concluded that the development of its LNG terminal in the South-West of France has strong commercial potential. 4Gas Executive Director Paul van Poecke says: “Our decision is embedded in current European and French policies to reduce energy dependence, to increase the use of clean energy and to promote optimal access to France of particularly LNG in order to sustain economic and social development in France. In this respect, we consider ourselves privileged to have encouraging consultations on the required levels of decision making in France. These consultations allowed us to respect all relevant considerations of sustainable development, tourism and employment.”

The development of new LNG terminals is supported by the French national government and is an integral part of the French energy policy. Recent statements on a national and European level affirm the need to secure supply by diversification and to increase competition by improving market access.

Comprehensive environmental impact and safety assessments, including detailed modelling studies, have been completed. These assessments address noise and other emissions as well ecological and landscape impacts and the potential effects of accidents. The assessments demonstrate that the minimisation of adverse effects, in combination with mitigation measures proposed, will ensure that no significant negative impacts will occur.

4Gas strongly believes the Pegaz LNG Terminal to be an excellent opportunity for the region to improve the development of industry providing substantial financial benefits and year round commercial activity in positive coexistence with existing environmental values and tourism.

A particular point in the proceedings of the Débat Public has been the visual impact of the terminal in relation to tourism. Various options were identified for the reduction of the visibility of the terminal. The feasibility of these options and the advantages and disadvantages involved were studied. As a result 4Gas proposes 2 options for the placement of the tanks: the original proposition and a second option with dug-in tanks.

In June 2008 4Gas will finalize and file the permit applications. Over the course of the administrative process that will be initiated by the filing of the applications, 4Gas seeks to engage the community to further discuss these options and determine the optimal implantation of the project.

4Gas is thus looking forward to continue and expand the existing constructive and positive dialogue with local, regional and national stakeholders to the Pegaz project.

With a possible start of construction in the first half of 2010, 4Gas estimates the terminal could become operational at the end of 2013.

Source : Communiqué 4gas

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