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Eni makes new deepwater discovery in the US Gulf of Mexico

The exploration well Kodiak-1 is located in the block Mississippi Canyon 771, some 95 kilometers (60 miles) offshore Louisiana, at a water depth of 1,500 meters (5000’). The well was drilled to a total depth of approximately 9,500 meters (31,150’) and encountered over 150 meters (500’) of hydrocarbon-bearing formations in multiple sands

The exploration well Kodiak-1 is located in the block Mississippi Canyon 771, some 95 kilometers (60 miles) offshore Louisiana, at a water depth of 1,500 meters (5000'). The well was drilled to a total depth of approximately 9,500 meters (31,150') and encountered over 150 meters (500') of hydrocarbon-bearing formations in multiple sands. The well data will now be interpreted to assess the size of the discovery. Eni owns a 25% working interest in Kodiak. Other partners are BP (operator) with 63.75% and Marubeni Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. with 11.25%.

This significant discovery is a further step in Eni's growth strategy in the region. Kodiak is located in one of Eni's core focus areas, 8 km (5 miles) from the Eni-operated Devil's Tower producing platform. The block Mississippi Canyon 771 is part of the exploration portfolio recently acquired by Eni from Dominion.

In the US, Eni currently owns lease interests in 408 GoM blocks, 70% of which are in deepwater. It is among the key GoM producers with daily equity production in excess of 110,000 boe, of which 60% is Eni-operated. In addition, Eni also owns lease interests in 158 licenses in the North Slope of Alaska.

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