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Halliburton has announced a new three-year contract with TOTAL E&P Indonesie to provide specialized cased-hole services in support of the company's work in Indonesia's Mahakam Delta. Halliburton is providing TOTAL with a full suite of cased-hole technologies and services to help the company overcome the challenges of the delta's laminated reservoirs.

"Halliburton's ability to provide a complete cased-hole solution has made all the difference in TOTAL's ability to produce these difficult reservoirs efficiently and economically," said Etienne Thouvenin, manager, Swamp activities, TOTAL. "Having the capabilities to overcome the obstacles of both underbalanced and overbalanced formations is critical to meeting our production targets."

Laminated reservoirs traditionally have low porosity and permeability, resulting in low production rates or creating an economic landscape that makes production unfeasible. These characteristics can also create high overbalance pressures during drilling, which can induce significant damage in the reservoir and further complicate drilling operations.

Halliburton's cased-hole group is addressing these challenges with a range of innovative technologies specialized for extreme environments. The newly designed MaxForce® deep penetrating charges and pressure-independent gun brake system are being used with the SurgePro™ perforating design software program to optimize underbalanced perforating operations. Tools including the StimGun™ assembly are being used to create dynamic fractures, enhancing production in the delta's tight formations.

In addition to the operational challenges, the Mahakam Delta's shallow waters and narrow alleyways present logistical obstacles to servicing the more than 1,200 wells TOTAL is producing in the area. Under the contract, work is being performed from cased-hole units placed on Halliburton's Julia Segara Lestari barge and Elnusa's Samudra-1 vessel. The low draft, self-propelled vessels each hold a crew of 25 and can run both e-line and slickline. Further, the vessel are equipped with satellite communications equipment to enable real-time operational decisions and data transfer to TOTAL and Halliburton offices worldwide.

"We are proud to be collaborating with TOTAL E&P Indonesie to pioneer a new solution to production problems in laminated reservoirs," said Jonathan Lewis, vice president, Halliburton Wireline and Perforating Services product service line. "It is our goal to leverage the expertise of our people and the latest wireline and perforating technologies to create new, exciting opportunities for operators to expand their production around the world."

Source : Communiqué HALLIBURTON

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