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Seadrill takes delivery of the deepwater drilling rig West Aquarius

Seadrill today took delivery of the new deepwater semi-submersible drilling rig West Aquarius from the DSME shipyard in South Korea. The unit will leave Korean waters in a few days after completing some general mobilization activities, en route to its first drilling assignment in Indonesia. Start-up of operations is expected mid February. West Aquarius has a four-year contract with ExxonMobil for worldwide exploration activities.

West Aquarius is a sixth generation, high specification, deepwater, state of the art semi-submersible drilling unit. The rig has a high load carrying capacity, an efficient drilling floor layout with improved safety and working environment measures. West Aquarius can run parallel drilling operations and is designed with a dynamic positioning system and a water depth capacity up to 3,000 meters.

West Aquarius is the seventh consecutive deepwater drilling unit delivered to Seadrill during the last 10 months, and the second deepwater newbuild delivered to Seadrill that starts a long-term contract with ExxonMobil.

Source : Communiqué SEADRILL

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