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RWE to construct gas power station in Western Turkey

RWE today announced its final investment decision to construct a power station in the Denizli province of Western Turkey. With its Turkish joint venture partner Turcas, RWE will construct a combined-cycle gas turbine plant (CCGT) with a capacity of 775 megawatt. The total investment sum amounts to approximately €500 million. Following comprehensive checks to ensure the project complies with EU standards, the Turkish authorities granted the necessary building permits a few days ago. Construction is to start mid-2010 and the power station should go on stream by the end of 2012.

In view of the country’s soaring long-term energy requirements, there is an urgent need for expansion and modernisation of Turkish power generation. “Our state-of-the-art CCGT power station will have an efficiency rate of over 55 percent”, said RWE Chief Strategy Officer Dr. Leonhard Birnbaum, “and we will be thus making a vital contribution to sustainable and secure power supply in Turkey.”

RWE has had its own local company in Turkey since 2008 and considers the country to be an important growth market. “The Turkish market is an attractive growth area of major strategic significance to our Group”, said Birnbaum. As one of the partners in the Nabucco pipeline project, the country also acts as the crucial link between the considerable natural resources of the Caspian region and the consumer markets of Western Europe. “We intend to expand our business activities in Turkey on a step-by-step basis and will also engage in further energy projects to participate in the growth opportunities of this market.”

Source : Communiqué RWE

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