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Three gas discoveries at Haltenbanken this year by Statoilhydro

StatoilHydro is completing the drilling of the second of the two exploration wells on the Galtvort prospect. The first well, 6407/8-4 S, which was drilled in May, confirmed the existence of gas.

Well 6407/8-4 A, which is now being completed, is a side-track which confirmed the existence of gas in Jurassic sandstone.

Sivert Jørgenvåg, the head of infrastructure-led exploration at Haltenbanken, is pleased to have struck petroleum on the three prospects drilled at Haltenbanken this year ( Photo: Kjetil Alsvik)

The prospect is located 30 kilometres north-east of the Njord field and 9 kilometres north-west of the Draugen field in the Norwegian Sea. Preliminary calculations show that the recoverable gas volume in the Galtvort discovery is in the order of one to three billion standard cubic metres.

"We are very pleased to have made three finds out of three possible at Haltenbanken so far this year. This confirms that our planning and evaluations of potential discoveries in the area have been successful," says Sivert Jørgenvåg, the head of infrastructur-led exploration at Haltenbanken.

Earlier this year a find was made on the Gamma prospect and Natalia at Haltenbanken. StatoilHydro has been involved in 12 discoveries so far this year.

StatoilHydro will together with the other licensees evaluate how the the resources proven in the Galtvort prospect can be recovered.

No formation testing has been performed, but extensive data collection and sampling have been conducted in the two wells drilled in the Galtvort prospect. The two wells are the first ones in production licence 348, awarded in TFO 2004 (awards in pre-defined areas).

The licensees in production licence 348 er: StatoilHydro (30.0 percent), Gaz de France Norge (20.0), Norwegian Energy Company (17.5), E.ON Ruhrgas Norge (17.5), Endeavour Energy Norge (7.5) and Petoro (7.5).

Source : Communiqué STATOILHYDRO

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